Financials communicates


1st half year activity - Progressive return of organic growth confirmed by the resumption of high level of construction starts since Q2, Sustained growth in order intake

09 August 2010

151.08 ko

First half 2010 results - Accelerating dynamic growth - Acquisition of interests in the thermal renovation sector

15 September 2010

38.06 ko

Provisional 2010/2011 publications calendar

10 October 2017

29.99 ko

2009 activity in line with forecasts

11 February 2010

33.83 ko

Provisional 2010/2011 publications calendar

14 December 2010

30.82 ko


The Group, a leader in the construction, home renovation and home ownership markets in France, currently has more than 14,000 customers a year, over 120,000 homes built, more than 100,000 renovations, more than 1,500 employees and sales of 1 024 million euros in 2023.